Fairfax Media, 8 Sep 1970. "Another year closer to the 1972 Winter Olympic Games, and still another title was claimed last night by star skater Janet Schwarz of Kew. Janet, 19, won the Australian open skating title for the third time while competing at St Moritz, St Kilda".
BORN ABOUT 1951 in Melbourne, Schwarz grew up in Kew and became National Ladies Champion in four consecutive seasons, 1968 to 1971. Australia's lone representative at the world figure skating championships in 1969, she finished with 2108.1 points, seventeenth of twenty skaters, at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.
Halfway down the list after completing the first compulsory figures of her first world's, she said: "I was a bit scared when I went on the ice, but it really wasn't too bad it's a much smaller sport in Australia than it is for Europeans and North Americans. I think there are only seventy good skaters in the whole of Melbourne". [2]
She joined Tom Collins' first tour of fifteen North American cities in Spring that year, which culminated at Madison Square Garden. Collins, then vice president and general manager of Holiday On Ice, presented the tour with Holiday On Ice founder, Morris Chalfen. The UFSA-CFSA-ISU World Champions Figure Skating Exhibition featured some of the top amateur skaters of the era. [1]
After turning professional, Schwarz coached at Ringwood Iceland in Melbourne in the Seventies. [3] In 2019, Schwarz lived at Cotham Rd, Kew in Melbourne.
Ross Carpenter, 'Schwarz, Janet (1951 - )', Legends of Australian Ice, Melbourne, Australia, http://icelegendsaustralia.com/legends-2/bio-schwarz.html, accessed online .